During spa treatments two events can occur, crises and thermal reaction, characterized by local or general malaise, usually transient and of spontaneous resolution.


Thermal Reaction

In the first three days of spa therapy there can be a light general syndrome characterized by intolerance to treatment, general malaise, fatigue, mood disturbance, insomnia and alterations of the gastro-intestine which may occasionally have soft local symptoms. It is however of short duration and of spontaneous resolution. Is often not a problem and does not require discontinuation of treatment.


Thermal Crisis

The crisis spa is different from the thermal reaction and refers to a set of paradoxical events arising during treatment. It comes as a reoccurrence of syntoms without pathological significance, of the condition being treated. May be accompanied by general symptoms. It is the consequence of the intrinsic dynamic action of mineral waters.

It is a set of transient general and local reactions only due to the crenotherapic factor, coming sooner or later and usually followed by a marked improvement of the treated condition.

It is not harmful, does not necessarily occur, is not indicative of good or bad outcome of therapy, age does not play a decisive role and the resolution is often spontaneous.

It usually occurs between the fifth and seventh day of treatment, towards the evening hours and reaches its peak at night and then fall in the morning and disappear in the course of the day. May persist for 2-3 days.

In arthro-rheumatic diseases a worsening of pain and contracture may appear, but without signs of true inflammation.

In ENT diseases may occur: sore throat, hoarseness, runny nose, hyperemia of the mucous membranes and pain of the paranasal sinuses, cough and slight congestion. The presence of only cough and increased sputum are often normal indices of mucolytic activity and mobilization of secretions due to therapy.

During hydroponic treatment for digestive diseases, mild dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, front fascia headache, flatulence and bloating may appear.
If discomfort persists for more than two days, consulting your spa doctor of reference is advised.



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